What are anti-aging supplements?

Getting older is actually a blessing. It means we had the chance to live many years, which would hopefully bring us wisdom and enhance our perspective. However, the downside is that we may lose our strength and beauty. We can’t stop the drawbacks of aging, but somehow we are able to slow them down. We can enjoy our advancing years while still healthy and good-looking!

Generally speaking, there are some key factors that we should be aware of. Apart from doing regular exercise, living in a calm, fair atmosphere and focusing on the bright side of life, we should have a healthy and adequate diet. This means supplements should become an integral part of our life.

Supplements have numerous anti-aging effects. They can literally save our skin. They provide us with compounds that our skin needs in order to stay elastic and hydrant. 

Here are 5 essential supplements that will aid us to fight face wrinkles:

  • Collagen

To avoid saggy skin, we need collagen. We need it to have a young-looking face. It helps with our skin’s elasticity and hydration. Our body naturally makes collagen but as we age up, the production falls noticeably. That is basically why we should consume collagen supplements. 

Another important tip is that dietary supplements are more practical than creams. The reason is collagen molecules are too big to be absorbed by skin!

  • Fish oil 

It contains Omega 3. The fatty acids in Omega 3 let the skin be smooth and moisturize inside out. Just be careful to keep your supplement container in the fridge after you open it!

  • Probiotics 

They help our body build a stronger blockade for the skin and gut. They’re beneficial for the microbiome in our guts. There is also a relationship between the number of microbiomes and our skin quality. The more microbiomes lead to healthier skin.

  • Green tea 

This amazing drink holds a large number of antioxidants. A main driver of aging is oxidation. This  process is caused by free radicals. Antioxidants neutral the oxidation. So the more antioxidants generate more blooming skin. Green tea also contains autophagy, which raises the elasticity and cleans up the skin cells. 

  • Vitamin C 

It is extremely obliging for collagen and antioxidants. It protects the skin from UV and free radicals. 

On the whole, we need to take care of our skin if we want to stay gorgeous during our old age. A good mixture of supplements can help us achieve that goal. The defense mechanisms of these supplements are mainly producing antioxidants, lessening the free radicals, and raising the elasticity and hydration of skin.

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